Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Medications

Apperantly the new pills are starting to work some what.  I am feeling better, with some energy and desire to do things after work.  I was told last night that I am acting better. 

I am working in a new branch of the bank.   I am enjoying it, I open everyday so that means I get to leave early. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Confussion in my mind

My mind is in a fog.  Thousand of thoughts run throught my head, but they are not coherent.  They are all fragments of previous thoughts.  I do not know what is real or what is made up in my mind.  How did I get his low.  I do not remember being this low before.

I do not have interest in anybody or anything.  I have been feeling this way for quite a while.  I remember slidding down the steps of depression, I remember fighting it putting up a happy face for the sake of those around me.  One day all of a sudden I did not care to put up the apperance anymore.  It was truly exhausting putting up those appearances and by the end of the day all my energy was gone.

My body feels like lead, if I consentrate I can feel the blood traveling up and down my legs and arms, that is a weird sensation.  Maybe I should use this energy for something more useful, but for what?

To fight to get out of this depression?  I have fought that battle many times before, I have fought and lost.  Is it worth to even try to fight anymore?